Philip Foster

Jan 3, 20182 min

Welcome to Success in 2018

I just wanted to let you know how cool I think it is

that you’re reading this blog! 🙂

2018 is the year to do BIG THINGS.

It is your year for BREAKTHROUGH

It’s time for us to leave

the mediocre masses far, far behind us.

I really hope that one day, they too will see the light.

But the reality teaches us that 80% of the people never take action.

They never bet on themselves.

They won’t read a single book in an entire year.

They never make a decision to moved toward success.

It makes me sad, but I’ve also accepted it.

If they want, they can join.

But they probably never will because of social conditioning and fear.


It’s so cool that you’re here with us.

Because you are one of the few people who really

loves working on themselves.

This is extremely rare in today’s society.

When you look around, what do you see?

People looking at their phones. Not living in the moment.

Trying to escape reality through TV and Facebook.

But, let’s talk about awesome things right now.

Our mission here.

To help you become even more successful:

Many people connect success to external factors.

Like having a lot of money, having a beautiful girlfriend/boyfriend,

being in good shape, buying nice house,

driving a nice car, etc.

But although those things can make you happy

short-term, they won’t bring

you true happiness long-term.

Let me explain.

Humans are great at adaptation,

but this also has a downside.

When we do or have things, over time,

they become “normal,” and we forget

how great they really are.

You drive a new car, it’s incredibly awesome,

for a while, but then it loses its freshness

and it becomes normal or even boring..


What can we do to become even more

successful in life?

Multiple things:

Determine your success based on your own actions

and decisions.

You know that you did everything you could do and

this brings internal fulfillment, no matter what

the circumstances are or going to be.

Next thing?

Inspire others to greatness.


By taking action and more action and more action,

adding value to the world.

​​​​​​​It sounds so simple and it really is simple.

But most people don’t do it because they are


Afraid of being judged.

They live in reaction to others, because they think

that’s the way to go.

Do you know what I say to that?

I think you do…


We have to step out of our own BS little story

and step into our legend.

Change perspective from a

low level consciousness to a high level

consciousness by asking the right questions.

“How do I actually ADD VALUE to the

world on a day-to-day basis?”

It could be everything.

I say start small.

Start by giving people the gift of a smile on their face.

It’s something you can do anytime,

anywhere without resources

and yet, it can make a huge difference in someone’s life.


So, What are you ready to accomplish in 2018?

Are you ready to accept the challenge? Are you ready to receive

the help only the Success Coach can offer? Contact me today to

set up your Free Breakthrough Session.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Dr. Foster – The Success Coach

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